How to Know if Someone Hides their WhatsApp Status from You

Follow this blog if you don’t know how to know if someone hides their WhatsApp status from you. It is easy to discover.

WhatsApp has many features apart from chatting with your friends online as it can be used to do other things. Things like viewing status and a lot more interesting facts. But it might come to an extent where you might not be seeing someone’s status.

Digital technology has enabled many developments, and we live in a connected world. With the advent of apps like WhatsApp, the internet world has become smaller. Getting letters from our loved ones doesn’t have to take a long time anymore. It’s all done instantly now.

WhatsApp stands out from other online chatting apps. It’s free and easy to use. Among the services, you may use our video calls, regular calls, chatting, changing your profile picture, and updating your WhatsApp status. Until recently, WhatsApp statuses were simply images of Instagram bios. Obviously, you can share your current mood.

WhatsApp redesigned its WhatsApp status in 2017 to appear more like an Instagram or Snapchat story. Is the previously mentioned feature still available? Eventually, it became the app’s “About” feature. We all know how stories work on different apps, right? We can hide our WhatsApp status from others just like we can hide our Instagram or Snapchat stories.

Likewise, many people may also keep their stories a secret from you. Whenever you feel that nagging emotion, don’t you try to find a way to get rid of it? Here in this blog, you’ll find all the information you need. So, let’s not wait any longer and start learning as soon as possible.

How to Know if Someone Hides their WhatsApp Status from You

1. Taking Help from a Mutual Friend

Has your status-obsessed friend recently stopped updating? Could it be that they are not as active as they used to be? However, there’s a tiny part of our brains that simply cannot stop thinking. Have they hidden their story from me? Are we no longer speaking, or did I do something wrong?

Isn’t it time to take a break from these spiralling thoughts? However, how can we be sure our instincts are correct? The quickest way to discover if someone is hiding you from their WhatsApp status is to use this method. In this case, you’ll only need a mutual friend.

Check the status of someone you know by using their account if they are nearby. It is obvious that they have hidden you if it is visible in their account. In addition, if that common contact lives a bit farther away, you can call them and inquire. That will clarify things.

It’s also a good idea to talk to some friends who have similar interests. Unless the person in question has a compelling reason to block only you, it is likely that they have also hidden their status from your common friend. Therefore, asking more common friends is more likely to produce reliable results.

2. Be Upfront About It

If you want to clear up your uncertainties quickly and without involving anyone or anything, this is the best route. We realize that this might be a traumatic experience for you, but getting information directly from the individual is your best bet. Even if they are not sincere, they won’t tell you the truth, but at least you tried.

Furthermore, we already know that being honest won’t make the situation any better. If you don’t drag your feet, you will get yourself together. In doing so, you will clear up any misunderstandings and dispel any qualms you may have about your friendship. As previously mentioned, some stories are not intended to be seen by everyone.

Things may have been posted that would have irritated you or were meant for a specific group of people only. Still, if you aren’t satisfied with their approach, you might call them instead of visiting them. You might be able to get rid of those jittery feelings with it. Other options are available if this method doesn’t work.

Another Method

GBWhatsApp is an alternative app that has a lot of amazing features. It can be used to view someone’s WhatsApp status even after you have been blocked and to find out if you have been blocked. To do that, follow the steps below

  • Before you can begin using the app, you will need to download it on your device. Click here to download the app
  • Once it has been installed, open the app
  • Tap the icon at the top right corner of the homepage
  • You can hide the view status by selecting “Hide View Status”

In the case that the person you suspected does not appear on the list, then you have been blocked or the status has been hidden from you, but if they do then you might be wrong in your opinion.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to know if someone is hiding their online status on WhatsApp?

It is not possible for you to view someone’s updates if they have hidden their status. Someone who is very active suddenly updates their status, and you no longer see it. On the phone, you can’t see their status.

Can you Hide your WhatsApp Status from Someone?

In Settings, you can hide your WhatsApp status from someone. To accomplish this,

Navigate to Settings->Account->Privacy->Status. There are three options: My Contacts, My Contacts Except, and Only Share With.

Proceed to select my contact except and tick the box beside the name of the contact you want to hide WhatsApp status from.

How do You Know if Someone Hides their Status on WhatsApp?

You will not be able to see someone’s WhatsApp updates if they have hidden their status from you.

Suddenly, the person who is very active on WhatsApp stops updating their status. Your WhatsApp status has been blocked, so you can’t see what they’re up to.

What happens if someone hides their status on WhatsApp?

When someone hides their status, you won’t be able to see when they are online and when they update their status.

On their story feed, you don’t know what’s going on. You will be able to see their status again once the action has been revoked.

How to find out if someone has hidden their status on WhatsApp?

If someone has hidden their WhatsApp status from you, there are two ways to find out.

  1. Using mutual friends – Ask a mutual friend if they are still sharing updates. If so, then you won’t be able to see their WhatsApp updates.
  2. Contact your friend directly – You might not find this as easy as you think. The fastest way to clear your doubts is to contact the person you think blocked you.


It is a clear indication that someone is uninterested in communicating with you if they hide their WhatsApp status from you.

For more information, you can send them a message or contact a mutual friend if you’re curious.

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